the Way
You Test

with StudyWise

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AI Question Generator
AI Question Generator
Transform the way you create quizzes, tests, and exams with our state-of-the-art AI-powered question generator. Say goodbye to manual question drafting and experience a new era of quiz and exam development.
Transform the way you create quizzes, tests, and exams with our state-of-the-art AI-powered question generator. Say goodbye to manual question drafting and experience a new era of quiz and exam development.

AI-Powered Auto Grading
AI-Powered Auto Grading
Revolutionize your grading process with our cutting-edge AI-powered auto grading tool. Effortlessly save time and reduce the burden of manual grading while providing your students with instant, actionable feedback on their assessments and tests.
Revolutionize your grading process with our cutting-edge AI-powered auto grading tool. Effortlessly save time and reduce the burden of manual grading while providing your students with instant, actionable feedback on their assessments and tests.
Real-Time Insights and Analytics
Real-Time Insights and Analytics
Our AI-driven solutions provide in-depth analysis and actionable data that help educators and administrators make informed decisions, enhance test effectiveness, and boost overall performance.
Our AI-driven solutions provide in-depth analysis and actionable data that help educators and administrators make informed decisions, enhance test effectiveness, and boost overall performance.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Organization
Discover the key benefits of using StudyWise to elevate your students or employees.
Make data-driven decisions with comprehensive analytics.

Automated Workflows
Save time and reduce errors with powerful automation grading features.

Streamlined Assignments
Effortlessly manage and track all your assignments in one centralized location.
Collaborative Workspace
Enhance teamwork with real-time collaboration and communication tools.

Integrated with the
tools you love
Our platform integrates with a wide range of popular applications, allowing you to continue using your preferred tools while enjoying the enhanced capabilities of StudyWise.

Choose the plan that's right for you with our clear, competitive pricing.
30 Exams /month
GPT-4 Model
50,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
Unlimited Exams
GPT-4o + Gemini + Claude
100,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
School / Organization
Contact Us
Basic + Premium +
Priority Support
User Permissions
Analytics & Reporting
30 Exams /month
GPT-4 Model
50,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
Unlimited Exams
GPT-4o + Gemini + Claude
100,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
School / Organization
Contact Us
Basic + Premium +
Priority Support
User Permissions
Analytics & Reporting
30 Exams /month
GPT-4 Model
50,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
Unlimited Exams
GPT-4o + Gemini + Claude
100,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
School / Organization
Contact Us
Basic + Premium +
Priority Support
User Permissions
Analytics & Reporting
30 Exams /month
GPT-4 Model
50,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
Unlimited Exams
GPT-4o + Gemini + Claude
100,000 words /exam
AI Auto-Grade
School / Organization
Contact Us
Basic + Premium +
Priority Support
User Permissions
Analytics & Reporting
Success Stories
Success Stories
Success Stories
"The tool you developed is excellent and has immense potential that is just beginning. I believe in it very much, and in my opinion, it will eventually replace all pen-and-paper exams. As far as I'm concerned, I'm fully committed and will continue to promote its use in other companies from the school. Many thanks! 🙏😃"
Jan 17, 2024
"The tool you developed is excellent and has immense potential that is just beginning. I believe in it very much, and in my opinion, it will eventually replace all pen-and-paper exams. As far as I'm concerned, I'm fully committed and will continue to promote its use in other companies from the school. Many thanks! 🙏😃"
Jan 17, 2024
"I was introduced to the platform as part of my work as a lecturer in innovation and artificial intelligence. The tool is very user-friendly, allowing for quick and high-quality test creation in various subjects. I recommend it at every opportunity, as it helps teachers save a lot of time and achieve excellent results."
Aug 2, 2023
"I was introduced to the platform as part of my work as a lecturer in innovation and artificial intelligence. The tool is very user-friendly, allowing for quick and high-quality test creation in various subjects. I recommend it at every opportunity, as it helps teachers save a lot of time and achieve excellent results."
Aug 2, 2023
"I was truly impressed. What the platform created for me was amazing. Honestly, it was exciting. I've been in artificial intelligence for a year and a half, and it takes a lot to impress me quickly. This saved me a lot of time and allowed me to focus on what I love—teaching."
Aug 20, 2023
"I was truly impressed. What the platform created for me was amazing. Honestly, it was exciting. I've been in artificial intelligence for a year and a half, and it takes a lot to impress me quickly. This saved me a lot of time and allowed me to focus on what I love—teaching."
Aug 20, 2023
"I will renew the subscription at the beginning of the school year. It was very helpful and greatly assisted me during exam periods."
Jun 6, 2023
"I will renew the subscription at the beginning of the school year. It was very helpful and greatly assisted me during exam periods."
Jun 6, 2023
"I really love your exam generator and recommend it to every lecturer and student. It helped me a lot in an exam I took in a subject I struggled with, and thanks to the practice from the exam generator, I got a good grade. I received patient, professional, and quick support for every question at any hour. I will, of course, continue to use it. It's important to note that the service from the representatives who helped me was above and beyond what I expected, which is not taken for granted."
Jun 22, 2023
"I really love your exam generator and recommend it to every lecturer and student. It helped me a lot in an exam I took in a subject I struggled with, and thanks to the practice from the exam generator, I got a good grade. I received patient, professional, and quick support for every question at any hour. I will, of course, continue to use it. It's important to note that the service from the representatives who helped me was above and beyond what I expected, which is not taken for granted."
Jun 22, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked
What makes StudyWise different from other educational tools?
How does StudyWise ensure accurate grading of assignments?
Can StudyWise be used for subjects beyond traditional academics?
How does StudyWise handle different learning styles?
What kind of reports can teachers generate with StudyWise?
Can StudyWise help with exam preparation?
How can teachers get started with StudyWise?
Can I cancel my StudyWise subscription at any time?
Does StudyWise support exports to other platforms like Google Forms, Word docs, and Moodle?
What makes StudyWise different from other educational tools?
How does StudyWise ensure accurate grading of assignments?
Can StudyWise be used for subjects beyond traditional academics?
How does StudyWise handle different learning styles?
What kind of reports can teachers generate with StudyWise?
Can StudyWise help with exam preparation?
How can teachers get started with StudyWise?
Can I cancel my StudyWise subscription at any time?
Does StudyWise support exports to other platforms like Google Forms, Word docs, and Moodle?
What makes StudyWise different from other educational tools?
How does StudyWise ensure accurate grading of assignments?
Can StudyWise be used for subjects beyond traditional academics?
How does StudyWise handle different learning styles?
What kind of reports can teachers generate with StudyWise?
Can StudyWise help with exam preparation?
How can teachers get started with StudyWise?
Can I cancel my StudyWise subscription at any time?
Does StudyWise support exports to other platforms like Google Forms, Word docs, and Moodle?
What makes StudyWise different from other educational tools?
How does StudyWise ensure accurate grading of assignments?
Can StudyWise be used for subjects beyond traditional academics?
How does StudyWise handle different learning styles?
What kind of reports can teachers generate with StudyWise?
Can StudyWise help with exam preparation?
How can teachers get started with StudyWise?
Can I cancel my StudyWise subscription at any time?
Does StudyWise support exports to other platforms like Google Forms, Word docs, and Moodle?
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